Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Happy Contest !

Want this necklace ? It's quite simple, just leave a comment to tell me what makes you happy.

You have till the very end of this month. I'll use a random number generator to find the winner!

Vous voulez ce collier? C'est tout simple, il suffit de me laisser un commentaire pour me dire ce qui vous rend heureux/heureuse. Vous avez jusqu'à la fin du mois. Un numéro sera tiré au hasard pour déterminer le/la gagnant(e).


Anonymous said...

Oh Steph, loving these necklaces!!

I'll tell you, so much is making me happy these days, the POSSIBILITIES that I feel.

My yoga practice, my daughter being home with me...the SKIES these past few evenings.

Your jewelry is making me happy...


Still Waters Studio said...

I love looking at the creative things my blog friends have made and I love spending time with my family. Not necessarily in that order.

Anonymous said...

Happy :-)

Je disais donc, en vrac:
-Un document d'archives palpitant caché au milieu d'une liasse qui promettait d'être rébarbative
-Ingurgiter quelques bières avec des ami(e)s
-Une bonne partie de ma discothèque
-Une bonne trouvaille dans une brocante
-Des petites choses inattendues (un détail sur une façade, un sourire dans la rue...)

J'en oublie sûrement et même des choses inavouables,lol

Anonymous said...

time in the morning to enjoy my cup of coffee...watching a child in my class have an a-ha moment...my daughter's beautiful soul...my husband's generous spirit...my wonderfully affectionate dog...my cozy bed after a long and fulfilling day...these are just some of the things that make me happy.

love your work!


Rita'z R-tistic Ramblez said...

Steph, I love the random mix of beads (or at least seemingly random). The colors and designs are so creative. I would love wearing one!! What makes me happy is when I hear my beautiful granddaughters say, Grandma. Especially the littlest. She has such a sweet voice and I can hear the love in her words.

Judy said...

Loving the mixed metals in the piece.

Anonymous said...

A happy contest makes me happy. It makes me happy to read French when not having taken French lessons in 6 months. It makes me happy to be home. It makes me happy to knit.

This reminds me - I have a package going out to you this week!